Photograph: Filip Wolak
Photograph: Filip Wolak | Tooth Box: A Vagina Dentata Competition

Tooth Box: A Vagina Dentata Competition (NSFW) (slide show)

Chew on these photos from Scary Ben and Darlinda Just Darlinda's Tooth Box extravaganza.


Darlinda Just Darlinda and Scary Ben, together known as “the perverse George and Gracie” of the burly-Q scene, have been putting on shows concentrating on the surreal side of alt-burlesque for a while now, via their monthly Bushwick Burlesque extravaganzas at the aptly named Bizarre. But it looks like the pair are going to be outdoing themselves in the absurdity stakes with their new venture, First Tuesdays, at the same venue. The series kicked off on Tuesday, December 3, with the charmingly monikered Tooth Box: A Vagina Dentata Competition—which, as these photos from the ever-intrepid Filip Wolak Prove, was pretty much what the name implies. It sure looks like it was more fun than that Teeth flick from a few years back!

Follow Bruce Tantum on Twitter: @BruceTantum

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