
This video of unsuspecting subway riders receiving roses will warm your heart

Will Gleason
Written by
Will Gleason
Content Director, The Americas

It’s not often that finding something unexpected on the subway brings a smile to your face. 

But Vimeo user Nick Smatt managed to create just such a rare phenomenon with his well-timed guerilla campaign of good cheer: “Go Love.”

The three-minute long video sees Smatt leaving a number of roses for unsuspecting riders on the F train.

“This Valentine’s Day, no one needs a Valentine. What they need is love,” flashes on the screen, before the pleasantly surprised commuters discover their gifts.

Each rose is attached with a tag that reads: “It’s not who you love. It’s that you love. Give this rose to someone on this subway that doesn’t have one. Happy Valentine’s Day.”

The ensuing exchange of flowers should bring a smile to any jaded New Yorker’s face. Watch the heart-warming video below.

Go Love from Nick Smatt on Vimeo.

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