As much as we love summer, it can be deadly here in the city, between the crowds of sweaty people, sweltering hot subway stations and piles of garbage roasting in the streets. To help make summer in New York more chill (literally), RentHop created a map of the best neighborhoods in which to spend your summer.
Outdoor restaurants and a high ratio of trees per person earned bonus points, and places with high dog-poop complaints got penalized. On the map, you can also view the bikability of your hood, if you’re brave enough to leave the AC this summer.
Only two hoods received a perfect score: Fort Greene and Brooklyn Heights-Cobble Hill. The highest-ranking Manhattan location was Soho, and if you only really care about drinking outdoors, the East Village came in first place for sidewalk cafés, with 169 per square mile. We know where we’ll be all summer.