That Prince's impact was vast is a damn understatement. Last night's many deserved tributes to the musical genius are sheer proof, ranging from the stages of Broadway to the streets of Brooklyn. Madison Square Garden lit up in the Purple One's honor, the Apollo splashed his name across its storied marquee and the Prince Street subway station turned into a makeshift memorial. For one night, New York was bathed in purple rain and fans found solace in the only thing they could—the incredible legacy of melodies, grooves and guitar licks that Prince left behind.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to get through this thing called life," Lin-Manuel Miranda began, before segueing the cast of the blockbuster Broadway hit into a dance-party tribute set to Prince's 1984 classic "Let's Go Crazy."
The Color Purple

Jennifer Hudson kicked off with a few admiring words about the iconic singer, and then led the cast in a downright heavens-shaking cover of "Purple Rain." Try not to get chills—you will fail.
PRINCE We Love You Shockadelica Joint
While some took to the stage to pay their respects to the Purple One, Spike Lee took to the streets, hosting hundreds of Prince lovers outside of the director's 40 Acres and a Mule headquarters in Fort Greene for song, dance and, yes, some epic air guitar.
QuestLove's Bowl Train

The Roots drummer—who previously taught a class on Prince's catalogue at NYU—dedicated his weekly DJ set at Brooklyn Bowl to all things Prince, playing classics like "Kiss" and "1999" into the wee hours.
The New Yorker magazine
The magazine released its next cover, which pays tribute to "Purple Rain," early on Instagram.