All it took was one quick upload to Vimeo this week for the world to enter a new golden age of television. (No matter what some people might say.) The 16-minute pilot for "The Bedford Stop" follows the travails of Alex, a recent graduate from the Fashion Institute who has moved across the river to Williamsburg to have brunch, complain about brunch and talk about where to go for brunch.
Other themes explored in the pilot episode include finding love in the digital age through professionally shot Tinder photos and the objectively disgusting nature of thrift stores. And one girl has a completely random mental breakdown at Brooklyn Bowl that needs to be added to a drag queen's act yesterday.
Here are some of the moments that you'll be quoting for days:
“There’s Sarah. The boy crazy one who just went back to art school but you wouldn’t know it.”
“Then there’s Melissa. Olena’s roomie. We never know where she is.”
“I actually just woke up. I’m, like, staring outside. It’s so bright.”
“Everyone went to brunch already. The only time I sleep in.”
“I’m bored. Everyone’s at brunch already.”
“I’m like literally crying right now.”
“Should I dress super casual or slutty or what.”
“You know what’s funny? Everybody looks better in fall clothes.”
“How was brunch?”
“I’m like the number one Tinder user in the world.”
“First of all, what?”
“And I’m like, duh, because you know.”
“Do we have to like physically bowl?”
“I just like, I mean I don’t want to talk shit. I don’t want to talk shit. But like, Melissa’s my roommate and she like, comes here with her fucking boyfriend that she brings EVERYWHERE and she doesn’t even fucking say hello to me. Meanwhile her boyfriend is like, ‘Oh, hey how are you? What are you doing?’ Like. Don’t you think it’s, like, a little weird? Like I don’t give a fuck if we’re in like World War 3 or in like an argument. Like you come and say hello to me. It’s just like, I live with her, like, I’ve been friends with her for years, like, you could just like…”” *drops glass*
“Guys, the Uber is here.”
The Bedford Stop - Pilot - Tinder Me Softly from The Bedford Stop on Vimeo.