As of yesterday, public transit prices are up and morale for commuters is way down. We knew since January that MetroCard prices were increasing, but some New Yorkers are still having a hard time adjusting to the hike. We turned to Twitter to see how the city is reacting to the new price and it comes as no surprise that a majority of the Tweets are well, pretty negative. But at least some New Yorkers still have a sense of humor! Here are our favorite musings from today's train rides.
Yay, the bus and subway fares go up 25 cents today! - no one ever #MTAFareHike
— Yitz Gross (@YitzchakGross) March 22, 2015
Received a present of fresh vomit in a crowded B local subway to celebrate #MTAFareHike Day. #blessed
— Michael Barrett (@mbarrett_NY) March 23, 2015
Please tip your acrobats generously #MTAFareHike
— Debbie Meisenzahl (@debbieme) March 23, 2015
Yesterday while I nuzzled my face into a strangers armpit on the L train, I realized how excited I am to pay the MTA even MORE money. #nyc
— Jamie Feldman (@RealGirlProject) March 23, 2015
I'm expecting anytime now someone to blame #mtafarehike on Anne Hathaway.
— Roger Clark (@RogerClark41) March 1, 2013
I can walk from Grand Central to Port Authority in less than 17 min you wanted me to wait for the shuttle. #Fail #MTAFareHike #mta
— craig tichy (@DarkCloudTweets) March 22, 2015
And then there's this guy who decided to take full advantage of that extra $2.75 increase.