
NYC protests in solidarity over Ferguson verdict

Written by
Jillian Anthony

Last night a St. Louis County grand jury announced its decision not to bring criminal charges against Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson for the killing of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown in August. A shocked, angry and hurt nation immediately launched protests not only in Ferguson, but also in Los Angeles, Washington, D.C., New York City and more. A night of unrest in Ferguson resulted in burned buildings, police use of tear gas and 29 arrests.

Throughout the night thousands of New Yorkers protested the grand jury decision, marching up Seventh Avenue and gathering in Union Square, some holding signs that read “Black lives matter.” NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton was splattered in fake blood (resulting in the only arrest of the evening), and protestors shut down the Brooklyn Bridge and part of the Triborough Bridge. The grand jury decision stands, but New Yorkers make clear they won't stand with it. 

We’ve gathered several powerful photos of the demonstrations across the city. If you’d like to join the protests and stand in solidarity, you can attend Al Sharpton’s National Action Network’s “Hands Up for Justice” rally at noon in Cadman Plaza in Brooklyn, or a “Day After Announcement” protest at 7pm in Union Square.  

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