
Meet the Undateables: John and Amanda

Written by
Dana Varinsky

RECOMMENDED: See more Undateables

The date: Dinner at Pennsylvania 6 (132 W 31st St between Sixth and Seventh Aves; 212-727-3666)

First impression
John: “She was very cute and really nice. She has very, very nice eyes. We’re both from the Southwest, which is kind of cool. She was bubbly and warm and easy to talk to. I was happy she was normal.”
Amanda: “He was such a gentleman. I kept him waiting for about ten minutes, and he hadn’t even opened the menu. He stood up and hugged me as soon as I arrived. He’s really warm and friendly.”

John: “There were no holes in the conversation, and we talked about all kinds of stuff—work, our families, being single. I thought it was funny that we both like cheesy country music. We laughed and told jokes and had a lot of fun.”
Amanda: “We were laughing within the first 30 seconds of the date and continued to laugh for three hours. He’s very comfortable in his skin and made me feel very comfortable. It was a great surprise.”

John: "I don’t know if I have a type—just outgoing, really. No preference in terms of how they look, but I like a good sense of humor and someone who’s easy to talk to."
Amanda: “My type is a guy with a gentlemanly streak. I like confidence and I like silly, spontaneous men. I wouldn’t say that I have a physical type though.”

John: “By the end of the night, we’d already planned our second date, so I thought it was a successful first. I walked her to the train, and there was a kiss good night.”
Amanda: “Right after dessert, he got my number and then walked me to the train. There was an awkward ‘is he or isn’t he going to kiss me’ moment, and then he did.”

In three words
John: Amanda is "pretty, smart and charming. "
Amanda: John is "funny, open and handsome. ”

John: “It was a great first date, and we said we’d get together soon. I’m definitely looking forward to seeing her again. She was very sweet.”
Amanda: “He texted me minutes after I left. We already have our second date planned. He’s really warm and friendly. I can’t wait to see him again.”

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