Batmen: reload your utility belts. Wonder Women: practice your lasso knots. Agoraphobics: stay indoors. As of 10am this morning, the Jacob K. Javits Center is open to over 150,000 fans for the tenth annual New York Comic Con four-day event.
We spoke to some of the boldest costumed characters as they entered the enormous geek spectacular about their looks, origin stories, and who they think would win in a fight: Ash from the Evil Dead series or Donald Trump? See the photos below and find out the winners of our fictional mashups at the end of the post.

Jim as Rorschach. "Troubled past, psychopath."Raydene Salinas

Kate as the Inquisitor. "Traveler from all around Thedas who goes around vanquishing demons."Raydene Salinas

Bernard as Wade Wilson/Deadpool. "A Deadpool from an alternate universe who is just a regular kid in this universe. Favorite food: tacos, chimichangas, chicken cutlets, and chocolate cake."Raydene Salinas

Elizabeth as Daenerys Targaryen. "Born far away in Siberia, immigrated to Germany an decided to become a New Yorker, where she now rules."Raydene Salinas

Brianna as DJ Sona. "Started Cosplay three years ago as Scout, then Jinkx, now DJ Sona."Raydene Salinas

Marisa as She-Hulk. "Bruce’s cousin who got a blood transfusion from Bruce and was given characteristics of the Hulk."Raydene Salinas

Malary as Venom. "A body painter and makeup artist living in Williamsburg."Raydene Salinas

Steven as Lobo. "From the same galaxy as Superman with similar powers. A chaotic bounty hunter, who does good and bad."Raydene Salinas

Bill as the Joker. "Would the real Batman please stand up?"

Tiffany as Consuela. "I’m a maid from Family Guy."Raydene Salinas

Jacqueline as Ashoka and Kenny as Zeb. "Rebels from Venezuela." Raydene Salinas
We asked cosplayers and fans who they thought would win in some pretty gnarly fantasy duke-outs. Looks like Iron Man has got POTUS beat.

Raydene Salinas
All photos by Raydene Salinas.