
Artist brings true subway horror stories (think sharks on a train) to life with parody MTA posters

Written by
Jillian Anthony

By now, we've all seen the MTA courtesy campaign posters battling manspreading, primping and subway pole dancing. Sure, that stuff is obnoxious, but we all have worse subway horror stories to share—and artist Chad O'Connell is bringing them to light with his own version of those etiquette-minded subway posters, #CrucialCourtesies. His Tumblr chronicles the many stranger-than-fiction things New Yorkers deal with on their daily commutes (ike dead sharks, people holding the subway poles with their butt cheeks and public acts of what should always be private bodily functions), as well as the real-life examples of when these situations have occurred. It seems there's nothing to be done about those fare hikes and public etiquette atrocities except power through, and make art. Use the hashtag to tweet your own suggestions, and keep fighting the good fight, everyone. Check out some of O'Connell's essential artwork below.

Inspired by photos like this

 Inspired by this possible promotion of Shark Week. Or just a maniac.

Inspired by this ultimate douchebag.

No image necessary for this one.

h/t Buzzfeed

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