Ordinarily, there isn't anything odd about 14th Street (or at least, nothing odder about it than any other part of New York City)—and you probably don't think of it as somewhere that shows art. That's the premise behind this year's Art In Odd Places, an annual program that promotes public art where you'd least expect it. This year festivities run Thu 9–Sun 12 and features performances and installation pieces from some 62 artists along the entire stretch of 14th Street, from FDR Drive to the High Line. There's a large variety to check out, but here are four you might want to consider.

Cupid Ojala, "Love Prescriptions by Cupid"
Ojala bills himself as a "a transgendered interdisciplinary artist," but in his piece, he assumes a hetero-normative guise resembling Sigmund Freud—or at least, a nattily dressed guy with a beard. He asks passersby to stop and talk to him about their passions, which he psychoanalyzes before writing each subject a prescription on a heart-shaped card. Don't worry about paying for his diagnosis: Like everything in AIOP, it's free.

Laura Moore, "One Man's Junk"
Moore's monument to electronic landfill is sculpted in limestone to resemble the beige-box look of old computers.

Leah Harper, "Complimentary"
Feeling kinda down? Harper's gumball machine under The Highline dispenses compliments instead of toys inside plastic capsules.

The Illuminator, "The Oracle is Present"
Veterans of Occupy Wall Street, the folks behind The Illuminator—a van equipped with a high-powered projector—have been tooling around town for the past year or so, shining anti-one-percent messages on the sides of buildings such as the Guggenheim Museum and the Brooklyn. Expect similar displays during AOIP.