Photograph courtesy Museum of the City of New York
Photograph courtesy Museum of the City of New York |

At 325 square feet, the micro-unit is not legal in most of New York City—there’s a 400-square-foot minimum for living spaces, a zoning code that some tenants and landlords manage to circumvent. “If we could change those rules, you could have a safer, more legal housing stock,” says Albrecht. Apartments that are better suited to the increasingly solo-dwelling NYC population would reduce the need for informal modifications, such as makeshift Sheetrock walls that create extra bedrooms. The model—furnished with transformable furniture and turf-maximizing architectural devices—shows how this space could be livable for one person or a very low-clutter couple.

“Making Room: New Models for Housing New Yorkers”

A new exhibit at the Museum of the City of New York explores the studio apartment of the future.

Shoes in the oven, loft beds and apartment shares with Craigslisters—New Yorkers are well versed in making the most of cramped quarters. And with Mayor Bloomberg’s PlaNYC report predicting that Gotham will gain 1 million new residents by 2030, space will continue to come at a premium. What’s more, the Citizens Housing and Planning Council has found that, as in many urban areas across the country, the proportion of single adults is soaring.

The Museum of the City of New York—in conjunction with CHPC—has opened “Making Room,” an exhibit presenting ways that housing might accommodate these changing demographics. The show displays models, videos and photographs, along with a full-scale, 325-square-foot micro-unit built right into the gallery, designed by Pierluigi Colombo (of Italian design firm Clei) and Amie Gross Architects. We spoke with co-curator Donald Albrecht, who organized the exhibition with Andrew W. Mellon post-doctoral curatorial fellow Andrea Renner, about the mini digs and how the city can maximize space for the exploding single population.

DON’T MISS THIS In July 2012, the Bloomberg administration launched adAPT, a competition to develop an entire building of modular micro-units for one- or two-person households. The winning design has been approved for construction on E 27th St; it is on display as part of the exhibit along with four other notable proposals.

“Making Room: New Models for Housing New Yorkers” is now on view at the Museum of the City of New York, 1220 Fifth Ave between 103rd and 104th Sts (212-534-1672, Daily 10am–6pm; suggested donation $10, seniors and students $6, children 12 and under free. Through Sept 15.

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