September will again be the unofficial month of cinema when Scalarama returns, with more than 500 events taking place across the UK. Paying homage to now-defunct cult London picture house The Scala, the programme features a variety of events covering comedy, gore, horror and classic cinema. Here's a look at just some of the events taking place in Manchester.
The Grimm zombie all-nighter
Six of the finest zombie films ever made will be screened in this mammoth 12 hour gore-fest presented by Grimm Up North in association with Arrow Video. The line-up features ’28 Days Later’, ‘Dawn of the Dead’ (2004), ‘Day of the Dead’ (1985), ‘The Living Dead at Manchester Morgue’, ‘Night of the Creeps’ and ‘Nightmare City’.
Z Film Studios, September 5, 7.30pm. Tickets £16.50.

‘The Warriors’ beer and film pairing
Forget food pairings, this event will be combine a cinematic screening with a range of beers. Northern Quarter bottle shop Beermoth will be providing a selection of American beers to pair up with the different gangs from the film.
Beermoth, September 9, 7.30pm. Tickets £5.
Kinorama presents Viva VHS! 90s underground cinema
Kinofilm has delved into the remains of its VHS archive to present a range of US short films which were entered into its American Underground Film Festival in the late 90s. Trash, cult underground selections and amazing animation are among the works to be showcased –with everything screened from the original VHS.
Three Minute Theatre, Afflecks. September 10, 7pm. Tickets £5/concessions £4.
Robin Williams charity all-dayer
It’s just over a year since the tragic death of the great man, and RAD Screenings and Gorilla will be paying tribute with an all-dayer of some of his finest moments. The day will start with swashbuckling action-adventure ‘Hook’, followed by 90s blockbuster ‘Jumanji’, Oscar winning gem ‘Dead Poets’ Society’ and end with arguably Williams’ most iconic and beloved film ‘Mrs Doubtfire’. The organisers will donate 20% of the proceeds to mental health charity MIND Manchester.
Gorilla, September 13, doors open noon. Tickets £15.
Not of this World and Scalarama present: ‘Mutantis’ (UK premiere) and ‘Bride of the Monster’
A double bill of monster movie mayhem will be descending on cocktail bar Apotheca. Spoof ‘Mutantis’ will be getting its UK premiere and will be followed by one of Ed Wood’s greatest, ‘Bride of the Monster’.
Apotheca, September 17, 7.30pm. Free entry.
Cultivate Film, Art and Cinema Subterranea present ‘Dragon Inn’
Celebrating one of East Asian cinema's most popular classics, this iconic martial arts film features acrobatic stunt choreography inspired by traditional Peking Theatre with Wuxia swordplay and Kung Fu. The work of director King Hu came to define marital arts cinema and left a lasting impression on international filmmaking.
Whitworth Art Gallery, September 24, 6pm. Free entry.
Queer Story Showcase – I love the nightlife
An evening celebrating queer nightlife on film will be presented by Queer Story Showcase at MediaCityUK. Starting with a screening of LGBT short films for an hour, the event will continue with a Q&A session, networking break and end with a screening of feature film ‘Dressed as a Girl’ - telling the story of the real people behind East London’s alternative drag scene.
Digital Performance Lab at the University of Salford, MediaCityUK, September 24, 6.20pm. Tickets £5/concessions £4.

Cultivate Film Art’s Best of British Season
Art house film screening group Cultivate are hosting four evenings as part of Scalarama which are dedicated to British film. The line-up includes ‘Herostratus’ on September 6, ‘The Black Panther’ and ‘Edvard Munch’ on September 13, ‘The Party’s Over’ and ‘Privilege’ on September 20 and ‘Punk Attitude’ and ‘Body Song’ on September 27.
Joshua Brooks. Free entry.

See the rest of the programme at Scalarama's website.
Scalarama, September 1-30.
See more film in Manchester from Time Out.