24. Klondike Bar Original

Kate Wertheimer: "This is not ice cream. This is weird, foamy bullshit."
$2.99 for a pack of 6
Remember those summers hanging out at the pool, playing Marco Polo until the sound of a rickety ice cream truck caused everyone to cease screaming "Marco!" and run soaking wet out to the street? Firecracker Popsicles and Fudgsicles, Italian ice and ice cream sandwiches—this was the food of our youth (for better or for worse), and the taste of summer.
We set out to determine if our childhood love for Good Humor bars still holds up decades later with a taste test featuring 24 classic frozen desserts (all available in grocery stores or specialty stores nationwide). Turns out, not everything lived up to our memories. The Choco Tacos that had such a hold on us as kids are now "an insult to tacos everywhere." We found that there was actually very little we'd do for a Klondike Bar, and that Fudgsicles aren't as rich as we remembered.
Check out our list to see our number one pick, go buy a box, then head to the pool. MARCO!
We're big on taste-testing: check out our hot sauce and donut taste tests. And also, we made these super cool GIFs of classic ice cream bars melting during our photo shoot. Check it out!
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