Bands to watch in 2015
Bands to watch in 2015

Bands to watch in 2015: 12 up-and-coming local acts

Local venues like the Echo and the Satellite share their predictions for LA-based bands poised to hit it big in 2015


Luckily for us, local acts abound in LA. To suss out which ones are worth watching this year, we asked four local venues—the Satellite, the Echo, Bootleg Theater and Silverlake Lounge—for their picks of the most promising LA-based performers bound to blow up. Click through the slideshow below and keep an eye out for the following acts, so you can say you saw 'em back when.

RECOMMENDED: See our 2014 bands to watch, including Moses Sumney, De Lux and Lo-Fang

Also, check out the rest of our predictions for 2015

The Bootleg says: So many bands in LA are manufacturing the same sound (dreamy-indie-pop) but not doing it nearly as well as Babes, who throw sexually charged '70s vibes in the mix and really take it up a notch; go to a show and you may get free Babes panties. This band has too much fun making music and playing live—can we join??

The Bootleg says: Evan presents dark-twisted-sexy R&B in a fashionable package, incorporating "future soul" in his sound as well as his aesthetic. As an artist so new but with such a firm grasp on burgeoning genres, it seems undeniable that Mellows will continue to innovate and impress throughout 2015. If you don't know whether to dance or cry, just do both.

The Satellite says: We're so excited to have Banta as our February Monday night residents. The group's smooth, poppy folk-rock recalls the great era of '70s Fleetwood Mac and Jackson Browne, and they've got the melodies to match.

The Bootleg says: You don't just casually go to a Dorothy show; you get your face melted. Rock & roll is not dead and this badass femme fatale is proving it. Not many artists are attempting this sound right now—revival rock dripping with blues—which is part of what makes Dorothy so hard to ignore or forget.

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