Playhouse Presents: Mr Understood

Playhouse Presents: Mr Understood

Thu May 16, 9-9.30pm, Sky Arts 1

Series two, episode five
Co-created by Grayson Perry and Kate Hardie, and starring the remarkable Tom Brooke, this slight drama about the trials of a young transvestite called Gary should have been a whole lot more insightful, funny, moving or just plain odd.

Instead, it feels like a student film, with over-written dialogue, a constraining plot device and little sense of who Gary is, beyond being a bloke who sometimes fancies wearing a frock. With trans issues back in the news following the Lucy Meadows case, there’s a real opportunity for a drama to tackle TV on TV, and the daily ‘monsterisation’ of those who don’t have the celebrity swaddling of Perry or Izzard. This isn’t it.
    London for less
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