Jimmy’s playing with Ivy’s feelings bit…
‘He’s just having fun, he’s a bit bored. Jimmy just wants to go on the razzle and mess about. He finds it hilarious how lovesick Alfred is about Ivy.’
Does Jimmy push boundaries more this series?
‘He pushes certain boundaries.’
How is his friendship with Thomas?
‘Spot on. We’ll set up a gay bar together… They’re quite similar characters with similar outlooks. There’s a budding friendship there.’
Is there a power vacuum without O’Brien?
‘Potentially. There's always jostling for power.’
As a relatively new character, what’s the reaction been like from fans?
‘I'm still here, which I hope says something! I hope people enjoy what I’m doing – it’s a lot of fun to do it. My mum’s a big fan, but I got a lot of flack from my eldest brother, who was getting ribbed at work because I’d kissed a bloke. For a start, he kissed me. Secondly, it’s a TV show, I had a different accent, it’s in the 1920s…’