Win £250 Benefit Cosmetics products

Your chance to win a £250 haul from Benefit Cosmetics
Time Out in association with Benefit Cosmetics

You might have recently seen the oh-so-suitably-beautiful Good Ship Benefit moored up on the Thames, looking like one very fine floating homage to all things beauty. It's been very kindly anchored there by Benefit Cosmetics, who are using it to showcase just why they're one of the very best beauty brands in the business. 

So not only are they offering you the chance to indulge in yoga classes, cocktails, live comedy, fine dining and more beautification than you could throw a lash-curler at, they're now giving you the opportunity to get your hands on £250 of Benefit Cosmetics. All you have to do is take a photo or two when you visit The Good Ship Benefit and then submit your best one to Twitter or Instagram using the hashtag #TOgoodshipbenefit. Check out the submissions so far, below.

The winner will be selected by a panel of judges from Time Out London and Benefit Cosmetics. Entries can be submitted from June 2 to August 31 2016. For full terms and conditions, please click here


Time Out Benefit

    London for less
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