Cockney Heritage Festival

  • Things to do

Time Out says

Cor blimey, Tower Hamlets Local History Library 'ave only gorn an' put on a festival wiv the 'elp of the Cockney Heritage Trust abaht the history of Cockney culture. Alright, that's enough pretending to be a Cockney, let's get to the nitty gritty. Over 10 days, throughout various east London venues, there will be film screenings, talks, guided walks, workshops, tea dances and more. Particular highlights include 'Chewing the Fat', a traditional sing-song, lunch and DIY sash-making sesh in the style of a Pearly King or Queen (Toynbee Hall, Thu Jul 18, 11am-3pm); the 'Cockney Pearlies Afternoon Tea', featuring a talk by the Pearly King of Finsbury, John Walters (St John on Bethnal Green, Tue Jul 23, 2.30-4.30pm); 'Who Speaks Cockney?', a light-hearted look at the evolution of the Cockney language with Dr Sue Fox (Tower Hamlets Local History Library, Thu Jul 25, 6.30-7.45pm); the 'Cockney Fair' featuring a Cockney dog show at Bow Church (Sat Jul 27, 2-4pm); and 'From Cable Street to the Tower', a guided walk that starts at Shadwell Overground, takes in the Battle of Cable Street, Wilton's Music Hall and finishes at Trinity Gardens (Fri Jul 26, 1pm).

For further info on the events taking place, visit the Idea Store website.


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