Improper Conduct

  • Film

Time Out says

A quietly terrifying documentary on the (mis)treatment of gays in Cuba which opened up a hornet's nest of controversy and political schizophrenia. While Fidel smiles for the cameras, thousands of homosexuals are being rounded up, sent to concentration camps, imprisoned in medieval castles and tortured. The system of family and neighbour denunciation (for as little as a flowery shirt or long hair) echoes Nazi Germany; the work camp banner of 'Work Will Make You Men' echoes Belsen's 'Arbeit macht Frei'. While the likes of Sartre and Sontag recant their support on camera, others still insist on the wider goal of a socialist state. Bullshit. One innocent person oppressed is one too many.

Release Details

  • Duration:114 mins

Cast and crew

  • Director:Nestor Almendros, Orlando Jimenez Leal
  • Cast:
    • Lorenzo Monreal
    • Jorge Lago
    • Julio Medina
    • César Bermudez
    • José Mario
    • Rafael De Palet
    • Guillermo Cabrera Infante
    • Fidel Castro
    • Susan Sontag
    • Michel Dumoulin
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