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'Golly, the misery that walks around in this pretty, quiet night!' murmurs Hayward's vibrant dance-hall dame, chasing round Manhattan trying to get her sailor pal off a murder rap. Golly, indeed, for the script by playwright Clifford Odets never lets up for a moment. Terse and flowery by turns, it elaborates the plot of Cornell Woolrich's novel almost to the point of incomprehension, yet movingly enhances the notion of New York as a fateful presence, teeming with the homeless and unhappy. Clurman, moonlighting in Hollywood after the collapse of his Group Theatre in New York, later dismissed it as just 'a run-of-the-mill RKO movie', but take no notice: it's made with cockeyed artistry from beginning to end, and shouldn't be missed.
Release Details
Duration:83 mins
Cast and crew
Director:Harold Clurman
Screenwriter:Clifford Odets
Susan Hayward
Bill Williams
Paul Lukas
Joseph Calleia
Osa Massen
Lola Lane
Jerome Cowan
Marvin Miller
Roman Bohnen
Steve Geray
Been there, done that? Think again, my friend.
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