
Noticed a bit more room on the bus recently? According to the latest ONS figures on net migration within Britain, London’s experiencing something of an exodus.
In the year to June 2015 we lost nine in every 1,000 residents to internal migration – that's people moving to other parts of the UK. To put that in context, Yorkshire and Humber, the second fastest-shrinking area, lost 0.4.
Havering, Bromley, Bexley and Sutton were the only boroughs to draw in more new residents than they lost, while Waltham Forest, Newham and Brent saw the most significant declines. Young families in particular are thought to be abandoning the capital in favour of more affordable locations in the south-west and Essex. In fact one of the most popular places for people to move to within Britain was (drum roll, please)… Tendring. Wherever that is.
But even though London had a net outflow of 77,000 people to other UK destinations, that was more than cancelled out by the 78,000 more births than deaths, and 133,000 more foreign immigrants than emigrants. Looks like you'll be standing on the bus after all.
By Alex Ascherson
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