
Transport geeks, fasten your seat belts, because TfL has made a pretty big change today. Well, kind of. After 100 years of using the Johnston font across the network, TfL has given the iconic font a bit of a revamp with the help of typeface design company Monotype. The original font was designed by Edward Johnston in 1916, way before hashtags and @ symbols were ever a thing. But the new font, called Johnston100, aims to be more social-media friendly.
Initially, the new typeface will just be used for printed materials, including tube maps and posters. But eventually, the new design will be used on station signage and on TfL's trains.
But fans of Edward Johnston's 100-year-old font don't need to panic, as Johnston100 is only very slightly different to the original typeface. Let's play spot the difference, shall we? The old font, confusingly called New Johnston, is in grey and Johnston100 is in blue:

And here's a look at the difference between some of the individual letters:

See? It's not exactly a drastic change. And if you look at everyone's favourite Tube catchphrase, it's even less noticeable:

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