
Six types of Londoners you'll see in the park

Written by
Kelly Prince-Wright

There were approximately two days of sunshine in London mixed with a splattering of rain last month. But newsflash, people, this weekend's gonna be a scorcher. So if April showers bring May flowers and the sunshine, it also brings out the gremlins who have been hiding for the duration of the winter and will be pitching up in a park near you. Keep a look out for these sun-worshippers.


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1. Fitness buffs

You know the ones. They’ve been hiding inside, banking on their winter gym memberships. But the moment the sunshine peeks through the clouds, they've ditched their six-month contract and they’re out running on the park footpaths with a vengeance. You’ll find them with a water bottle strapped to their hips. Bonus points if you spot one rocking a Fitbit and a headband.


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2. The couple getting it on

The romantic weekend setup of an epic picnic with prosecco and biscuits is never as wholesome as the scene suggests. It’s not sneaky, you’re not getting away with it and everyone can see it happening. Go home already before it ends up on Twitter.


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3. The yoga guru

Varying slightly from the fitness buffs, those doing yoga in the park are a spectacle in themselves. We’ve seen it all: headstands, tree pose, child’s pose and warrior one. The sunshine and park space always brings out that guy doing yoga, practicing ‘oms’ and frollicking barefoot in the muddy grass.


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4. The intellectuals

Ah, the great philosophers of London unite in the embrace of the warm weather. Whether they're reading poetry or discussing the great minds of another time, these folks are always overdressed for the park with an extra scarf or two. You’ll find them hidden under the solace of a tree.

5. The ambitious parents

We salute you for the effort of bringing your children outside to play. However, what started as a calm family picnic turns into absolute carnage. Little Jonathan has gone rogue chasing after the family dog, the baby is crying mercilessly and the grown-ups are arguing over who left the sandwiches at home. Armageddon is imminent.


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6. The dogs

Our favourite of all the Londoners that you’ll find in the park, the dogs. Tiny little sausage dogs, Frenchies, labradors, greyhounds, we really can’t bring ourselves to begrudge pups at the park. They are super happy to be outside in the sunshine and minimal green space that London offers and we're loving every minute of it. 

Get outside and enjoy the sunshine in one of London's hidden gardens and green spaces.

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