It’s a week since more than 100,000 people took part in the Women’s March on London – that’s five times more than expected. If it inspired you to get more involved in feminist activism, it’s time to keep up the momentum in London.
1. Keep marching for gender equality
Care’s annual March4Women protest for gender equality is on March 5 at City Hall. Go.
2. Show solidarity with other campaigners
That means making a stand against sexism, but it also means campaigning against racism, xenophobia, transphobia and homophobia, because women won’t have equal rights until LGBTQ women, migrant women and women of colour have equal rights. Follow Black Lives Matter UK on Facebook. Head to Peckham Pride on February 18. Organised by Movement for Justice and Lesbians and Gays Support the Migrants, its aim is to resist attacks by the Home Office on migrants and celebrate the strength of our communities.
3. Get clued up
Join the Wolf Whistled Facebook group and read Gal-Dem magazine to learn about intersectional feminism. Head to talks like ‘Breaking the Glass Ceiling’ at LSE on March 23 to get deeper insight about inequality in the workplace from economist Marianne Bertrand.
4. Learn about your privilege
Whether that’s going to Consented and Gal-Dem’s talk about ‘Love, sex and desire in a white world’ or going to free exhibition ‘Museum of Transology’ and exploring transgender history.
5. Join a group
There are loads of campaign groups active in London. If you’re female or non-binary, consider Sisters Uncut: they’re a group of intersectional feminists fighting against cuts to domestic violence services and they hold meetings in north, east and south-east London. There’s also anti-capitalist feminist group Feminist Fightback who are holding a day-long workshop about access to abortion around the world on January 28. Support organisation Refugee Women and go to the National Refugee Women's conference on March 1 to discuss how we move move forward in a post-Trump world.
6. Act on issues you care about
If you’re shocked by Trump’s attempts to strip Planned Parenthood of its funding, consider fighting for abortion rights in Ireland too. On Wednesday February 1 there’s an open meeting of the London Irish Abortion Rights Campaign you can go to.
7. Write to your MP
The Women’s March organisers have started a ten-step programme for the first 100 days of Trump’s presidency which includes sending a postcard to Theresa May or your local MP about the feminist issues you think need political change.
Photo: Steve Bell/Flickr