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Hey reader! Are you bored at work? Are you slowly tying up loose ends and hitting your keyboard sporadically to make it look like you're writing something important? Well sack off all that hard stuff and have a play with this free app which turns photos into brilliant emoji art. That's all I've been doing this afternoon.
For example, see that Underground sign up at the top of the page? It's no fancy mosaic. Look closely and you'll see it's made of aliens, pig snouts and a whole host of other emojis.
Here are some more London landmarks made out of emojis.
1. The tube map
Now more a piece of contemporary art than a functional map, we want to ride the no-mouth face line through central.
2. Tower Bridge
Someone rescue all the pandas from the river, pls.
3. The Shard
What a lovely picture of London's glass giant…
OH WAIT, it's made of snowmen and aliens and dresses and mice and moons.
4. St Paul's Cathedral
Let's ignore the actual cathedral for a moment and focus on the little spire on the left built of an octopus, a chicken, a whale and some calculators. Dreamy.
5. The London Eye
It's like a beautiful watercolour made of fish and eight-balls.
6. Buckingham Palace
Zoom out: Serious illustration of serious historical building.
Zoom in: The ground is made of monkeys and octopi! The palace is full of smushed-up bear faces and laughing angel children!
Zoom in further: Pretty sure the royal family has done some black magic to get those members of the Queen's Guard in the mix. #conspiracytheory
7. Angus Steakhouse
Better than it looks in real life.
His face is made of watermelons and his head is full of clouds. Enough said.
Been there, done that? Think again, my friend.
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