RIP Bowie @RitzyCinema pic.twitter.com/qGqxO6ML4E
— Clare Binns (@ClareLBinns) January 11, 2016
After the sad news of Bowie’s death broke this morning, Londoners have been taking to Twitter to share their memories of the singer, artist and icon. From commuting with Ziggy to watching him perform, it seems loads of you have brilliant stories to tell. Tweet us yours to @TimeOutLondon. Here are some of the heartwarming tributes people have shared so far:
There have been stories about the times Londoners met Bowie:
I met him when I was a baby in a pram in Chelsea, London, according to my Mum. #davidbowie https://t.co/tUmOAJa1Gh
— Claudine Blythman (@cbmakeupartist) January 11, 2016
David Bowie, dead? I used to travel to London with him on the train from Bromley. We talked about dreams of stardom... A tragedy. RIP, David
— Carol Drinkwater (@Carol4OliveFarm) January 11, 2016
And shared memories of gigs:
i bought the david bowie london boy cd when i was 14 and i played it until it completely died
— happy new ear (@urmiso) January 11, 2016
@TimeOutLondon remember his 'final' concert at Hammersmith In 73 and sobbed. Of course saw him loads of times after that in new guises
— Ann Warner (@moseleymojo) January 11, 2016
Won tickets to a fan-club only gig in London on Earthling tour & sat in Iman's seat by mistake! In my top 10 gigs of all time #DavidBowie
— Kenny Brown (@kennybrown1961) January 11, 2016
At a punk gig in London in1977 & all old music sounded like yesterday to our young ears. #DavidBowie
— AveburyBlue (@NigelNorman) January 11, 2016
@TimeOutLondon I've only won 2 competitions in my life. Both to see @DavidBowieReal both through you. Thank you. My first hero to go.
— Katharine Fry (@KatharineFry) January 11, 2016
David Bowie at the Hammersmith Odeon, London (1973). pic.twitter.com/Dc7J7BHjj7
— Histi Pics (@HistiPics) January 11, 2016
Some Londoners revealed stories behind much-loved records:
I spent a month in London in 1986. The only thing I brought home was David Bowie's "Diamond Dogs" vinyl. RIP.
— PsychoSwimDad (@PsychoSwimDad) January 11, 2016
I was 12 & a pal made me a heavy metal mix. My sister got mad, gave me London Calling, Songs of the Free, and ChangesOne Bowie: I was born.
— colson whitehead (@colsonwhitehead) January 11, 2016
Some remembered London's Bowie exhibitions:
I spent the morning of my 40th birthday queueing to get into the London V&A for the David Bowie Is: exhibition. Worth it.
— Steve Streeting (@stevestreeting) January 11, 2016
Having major flashbacks to when @echavox and I got to tour the David Bowie museum in London⚡️ pic.twitter.com/veo4bmoyKE
— MadsMariees (@MadsMaries) January 11, 2016
And his support for London museums:
Something I heard & I've always liked to believe was true about David Bowie was that he supported the Horniman Museum. South London boy. 🎸⚡
— Lucy Greenwood (@lucygreenwood) January 11, 2016
Others reminisced about the Olympics:
I will never forget David Weir winning his first gold at London 2012 and David Bowie's "Heroes" blaring out into the Olympic Stadium
— Keith Robinson (@krobbo81) January 11, 2016
One Londoner revealed exactly why Bowie is special to the city:
Im a London boy, I cant put into words what David Bowie meant to us, you can take the boy out of London you cant take London out of the boy
— trev (@wellingblueboy) January 11, 2016
And finally, this:
Asked a cabbie if he was a #Bowie fan. "He had a couple of good tunes". Moving stuff from #London . I think he'd have appreciated it
— Jane Garvey (@janegarvey1) January 11, 2016