
In pictures: fans celebrated David Bowie's life with a street party in Brixton last night

Tom Huddleston
Written by
Tom Huddleston
Arts and culture journalist

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Last night, hundreds of people gathered in the square outside the Ritzy Cinema in Brixton, just around the corner from where David Bowie first touched down on this planet, to drink tinnies, dance the blues and bellow enthusiastically (and just a little tunelessly) about heroes, spacemen and modern love. Time Out was on the scene, and can report that it was a giddy, disorganised affair that took a fair while to get going – until someone turned up with a set of half-decent PA speakers and an iPod, someone else started projecting the Space Oddity video onto the wall of the library, and everyone got drunk enough to throw off their shackles and really belt out the chorus to 'Oh You Pretty Things' (complete with fireworks!).


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From there on the mood was celebratory and uproarious, despite the winter chill and the occasional circling police van. To quote the main man himself, in his early masterpiece 'Memory of a Free Festival': 'We claimed the very source of joy ran through... It didn't, but it seemed that way.' Godspeed, Mr Jones.


#bowie tributes #Brixton

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Lots of love for #DavidBowie in #Brixton tonight.

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Brixton mourns and celebrates Brixton born David Bowie tonight.

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Brixton sings Bowie.

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Fans gather to mourn the great #DavidBowie in Brixton, London | January 11, 2016 | photo by John Phillips/Getty Images #brixton

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Brixton Boys and Girls #justnow

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