If there’s one man who knows what he’s talking about in this godforsaken city, it’s Stephen bloody Fry. Just look at him – so learned; so wise. So when this tweed-clad bastion of Britishness tells you how to behave, you ought to jolly well listen, because to ignore his sage counsel is tantamount to treason.
Good news, then, for Fry has just been appointed as the official ambassador of the nation’s passive-aggressive quirks and foibles. He’s starring in a new three-minute video guide to British etiquette that’ll be shown to passengers arriving at Heathrow airport, hopefully meaning that visitors to the city shall never again ruin Londoners’ lives by failing to queue correctly or daring to differ with our appraisal of the current weather conditions.
Thinking about it though, the whole thing of cheering when someone drops a glass is a bit weird. Why do we do that?
Check out the video right here:
