While the weather might not exactly be at #scorchio temperatures, at least it's not raining anymore, right? If you fancy venturing outside to explore the greener parts of London, there are more than 200 public places that have had a revamp thanks to a project called 'London's Great Outdoors' and you can find them all on this handy interactive map.

Admittedly, it's fairly basic and doesn't seem to have any kind of zoom function, but you can search by postcode if you want to look at a specific area.

Head south to see the 'edible bus stop' in Lambeth, which - before you get too excited - isn't a bus stop made of sweets but something a bit more wholesome. The 'pocket park' at Landor Road bus stop has a community garden where locals are growing herbs, strawberries and rainbow chard. Fancy.

There's also the Breakers Yard in Hackney, which has been transformed into a park with art installations, a greenhouse made from a bus and gates made from more than 1,000 toy cars. Or check out the previously inaccessible Walthamstow Wetlands, where The Mayor’s Big Green Fund, Waltham Forest Council and the London Wildlife Trust are building paths from north to south through the area.
Find out more about the London's Great Outdoors project here.
Take a look at more things to do outdoors in London.