
Example shoots music video on the tube in one long shot (and 24 takes)

Written by
Guy Parsons

Example + GoPro + selfie-stick + the tube + Trafalgar Square + one continuous shot = the music video to his new single, 'Whisky Story'.

It took 80 people and 24 takes to get right, so it's worth a watch if only for the subconscious stress the Underground reliably inspires. As for the track itself, Time Out's music critic James Manning sees it as ‘a bit trashy – but it does include the lyric “slapdash flashbacks” and a namecheck for Oceana, so it's a win for me.’ But music editor Oliver Keens finds 'got a couple ladies on my radar' painfully 2008, insisting that ‘Example is music's equivalent of Dapper Laughs. Do one.’

At least Ed Sheeran likes it.

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