Yep, that IS what it looks like. It's a fried egg the size of a dinner plate. Last week we went down to WingsEggs restaurant in Fulham – specialising in chicken wings and (you guessed it) eggs – to see whether their claims to offer customers the choice of ostrich eggs with their fry-up is in fact true. And, well, you can see the results. You need to give them two days' advance notice, it'll cost you £55 and it'll also provide the same amount of food as 24 large hens' eggs.
Alternatively, you can pay £110 for an emu egg instead. It's smaller than an ostrich egg, but it is a lovely colour:

@ Flickr: Satish Mohan
How did our ostrich egg taste? Like a hen's egg. Basically, exactly like a hen's egg. Given the size of it, the only way to cook it through is to flip it over halfway through frying – American over-easy style – so the yolk's part set rather than the lake of oozy golden liquid we were hoping for. Also, partway through we realised that we weren't actually enough of a fan of egg white to chow down mouthful after mouthful of the part-crisped, part rubbery goop. Overall, it was a bit odd. Which means that in multiple senses, it's impossible to eat the entire thing without ending up with egg on your face. Still, no problemo: they also offer the opportunity of having your emu/ostrich eggs scrambled instead.
Pre-order your ostrich or emu egg at wingseggs.com