
All rise for Sourdough September

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Time Out London Food & Drink

Calling all dough-nuts and breadheads: Sourdough September is nearly upon us, and there’s more to it than a nice bit of jazzy alliteration.

Now in its third year and brought to you by the Real Bread campaign, Sourdough September is a month-long celebration of the bread that made using your loaf fashionable again (carb-deniers aside, of course).

The flagship event of the 30-day bread fest is ‘Real Bread: The Uprising’ at SOAS, University of London on September 12. With a keynote speech from Andrew Whitley – co-founder of the Real Bread campaign, author and expert baker – it will be a full day of talks and break-out sessions covering everything from the link between baking and good mental health, to starting or scaling up a micro bakery and of course, lots of sourdough tips and teaching. Get your tickets and more information about the day here

That’s just the start though. From baking workshops and talks to tasting events and courses, London will be awash with ways to show your love for the oldest way of raising a loaf (even if the hipsters and bread-beards have claimed it as their own in recent years). You can even put on your own party, or talk your local bakery into doing so – then whack it on Sourdough September’s events schedule for all to see! Might be time to stop looking at that starter languishing in your fridge and see what the pros are up to…

By Amy Grier

If bread’s your thing and you can’t wait until next week, here’s our guide to the best bakeries in London.

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