Coffee aficionados, take note. Kenji Kojima, the face of Fuglen Tokyo and founder/head roaster of Fuglen Coffee Roasters Tokyo will be holding two Aeropress and roasting workshops in KL.
In the Aeropress workshop, he'll talk to beginners and coffee pros about filter coffee in Tokyo, and share insight on the nitty gritty of the Aeropress championships and things to take note of. Kenji will also demonstrate Aeropress brewing with Fuglen Tokyo's recipe (and everyone gets a cup of his coffee). Bring your own Aeropress, paper filter and server to get feedback about your coffee from Kenji himself.
If you're thinking of starting your own micro-roastery business, sign up for the roasting workshop. Kenji will share his coffee journey and demonstrate coffee roasting using Probat. You'll see his roasting flow and learn from his best practices to improve your standard operating procedures. A cupping session might also be offered after his demo. Plus point: you'll receive a 200g pack of Fuglen single origin beans as a door gift.