Machicon KL

  • Things to do

Time Out says

If you've exhausted all avenues when it comes to finding 'the one', this large-scale Japanese dating event might prove more fruitful than listless Tinder dates. Following the success of Machicon events in Japan and Singapore, the KL version will have participants dine at three restaurants in Publika on November 27 to meet new people and forge friendships.

You first meet at The Square, Publika at 6.30pm to collect your wristband, dining tickets and map. Choose three out of nine participating restaurants to meet and dine: Ichiban Boshi, Tsubohachi, JuNe, Matsuoka, Yamagoya Ramen, Okonomi, Namoo, The Bee and The Social. After that, you're given an hour at each restaurant for enough chit chat and interaction to gauge whether the person in front of you is worth getting to know more. If you're reduced to talking about the weather, there are always the next two restaurants to meet someone else and talk about more interesting topics.

The event is strictly for non-Muslims only.


Men, RM99++; women, RM79++
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