Feel that chill that’s swept over London’s streets? Sure, you could put that down to the changing of the season and October gloom settling in over the city. Or it could be the capital’s longest-running residents – the ones we might no longer be able to physically see but who can still make their presence felt – awakening in the run-up to Halloween. Whichever answer you go with, it won’t be long until London is a colourful, chaotic wonderland of spooky characters and costumes, plump pumpkins and Halloween events so good you’d die to attend them. Here’s how to get into the spirit and make the most of Halloween 2024 in the city.
When is Halloween in London 2024?
Halloween in the UK this year is on Thursday October 31 2024. There are plenty of celebrations on the day, as well as over the weekends before and after, from spooky nightlife and family-friendly frights to scary movie screenings and pumpkin picking.
Don that witchy wig, get the fake blood a-flowing and check out our comprehensive guide to all the creepy happenings across London over the next few days.