
The results are in for Time Out's City Living Survey: Weegies among the most sexed-up in the UK

Written by
Kaleigh Watterson

Weegies are among the most happy with their finances and some of the most hygienic in the UK, Time Out’s UK-wide city survey has found.

Time Out’s City Living Survey asked readers in our cities (Birmingham, Bristol, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leeds, London and Manchester) a variety of probing questions to build a picture of what it’s like to reside in a city in 2015.

Glasgow and Edinburgh were the only two UK cities where the average person said the money they needed to be comfortable was less than what they earned - in Glasgow the average salary of respondents is £28,600, while you reckon you need £28,000 to live on happily. Compare this to Londoners who say they need an extra £9k a year to feel comfortable – ouch!

Residents of Glasgow also get a decent amount of sleep – with the average person getting up at 7.06am to start their working day. In comparison, those in Birmingham, Bristol, Leeds, London and Manchester are all up before 7am, although Edinburghers get up slightly later at 7.11am.

But this extra kip isn’t at the cost of personal hygiene – Weegies are among the cleanest in the UK as you’re among the people who shower the most often and take care of your teeth too.

We also found that Glaswegians are among those who have the most sex, with 31% of you telling us that you’d been getting frisky in the past week. Could this be linked to the high level of showering? Who knows - but we’ve found out that Bristol dwellers shower the least often and have less sex than residents of any other city.

We also asked what it is that annoys you most about living in Glasgow. Bad manners, the weather and litter were among your top bugbears.We also got a few complaints about the city council’s licensing board – which we reckon is at least partly linked to the furore around the closure of The Arches.

Glasgow word cloud

But despite these complaints, most of you are planning on sticking around – with just 17% of respondents planning to make a move in the next five years – one of the lowest scores in the country.

The survey has also revealed that the unhappiest people live in Bristol, the most stressed residents are in Birmingham, Manchester has the happiest population and Leeds is home to the fewest insomniacs. And what about London? They’re the most financially starved – but they do have the most sex.

Check out the Time Out City Living Survey results in ManchesterBristolBirminghamLeedsLondon and Edinburgh.

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