  • Film

The Big White


Time Out says

Frozen Alaska, and Robin Williams’ cash-strapped travel agent is locked in conflict with stubborn insurance agent Giovanni Ribisi, who’s just rejected his claim on the million-dollar insurance policy covering his sibling who’s been missing (presumed dead) for the past five years. When gangland henchman Tim Blake Nelson disposes of a corpse in a dumpster just outside the travel agency, however, Williams leaps on an instant solution to his problem, but it’s safe to assume his plan is only going to make life a whole lot more complicated.

A purported black comedy unfolding in white-out surroundings, this combination of financial scheming, passing cadavers and botched kidnapping would have a hard time dispelling memories of the Coen brothers’ ‘Fargo’ even if it were any good. Which it isn’t, unfortunately. The would-be amusing plot developments are predictable as the Alaskan snowfall, Williams’ desperation isn’t that funny, merely, well, desperate, and Holly Hunter’s flailing turn as his apparently Tourette’s-afflicted spouse is one of those doomed ideas which shouldn’t have progressed beyond script stage. Flawed in conception and execution, this is a non-starter.

Release Details

  • Rated:15
  • Release date:Friday 24 March 2006

Cast and crew

  • Director:Mark Mylod
  • Screenwriter:Collin Friesen
  • Cast:
    • Robin Williams
    • Holly Hunter
    • Giovanni Ribisi
    • Woody Harrelson
    • Alison Lohman
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