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A cumbersome, resolutely formula thriller of the kind that Arnie made before he was Arnie (think of Commando or Raw Deal). Still, it intermittently takes off into the realms of comic fantasy hyper-drive, with our hero leaping from burning jets at 11,000 feet, grappling with alligators in the New York Zoo ('You're luggage!'), and trading lead with the latest hi-tech X-ray weaponry - the influence of John Woo, perhaps, or simply the result of the current fetish for digital effects. Schwarzenegger is Kruger, the government's best agent in the federal witness protection programme. When a mole in the organisation seeks to wipe out his latest charge (Williams), Kruger only has his old clients to turn to. It's a movie constructed around three or four self-consciously 'cool' episodes, and passably entertaining as such, but there's also an awful lot of uncool contrivance, coincidence and contempt for the audience.
Release Details
Duration:114 mins
Cast and crew
Director:Charles Russell
Screenwriter:Tony Puryear, Walon Green
Arnold Schwarzenegger
James Caan
Vanessa Williams
James Coburn
Robert Pastorelli
Andy Romano
Been there, done that? Think again, my friend.
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