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Rendered homeless and relatively poor by the patrilineal laws that dictated their father's will, Elinor and Marianne Dashwood (Thompson and Winslet) are not exactly the most marriageable young women in a world where desirability is usually conferred by property and birth. Shy, kindly Edward Ferrars (Grant) - favoured by the pragmatic Elinor - is likely to be disinherited should he marry 'low', while solid Col Brandon (Rickman) is forgotten by the headstrong Marianne as soon as popular, dashing John Willoughby (Wise) appears on the scene. First impressions, however, aren't always reliable. While this is hardly adventurous or original cinema, it's most enjoyable. Thompson's screenplay stays true both to Austen's themes (the gulf between romanticism and materialism, the difference between hearsay, opinion and empirical knowledge) and to her delightfully ironic wit. Grant is just Grant (albeit with old togs and deeper stammer), and Rickman sometimes looks a little creepy, but Thompson and Winslet give fine performances ably supported by the rest of the ensemble.
Release Details
Duration:136 mins
Cast and crew
Director:Ang Lee
Screenwriter:Emma Thompson
Emma Thompson
Hugh Grant
Kate Winslet
Alan Rickman
Greg Wise
Elizabeth Spriggs
Robert Hardy
Hugh Laurie
Harriet Walter
Imelda Staunton
Imogen Stubbs
Jemma Jones
Been there, done that? Think again, my friend.
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