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Pryor is blind, Wilder is deaf. Together they witness a murder, become principal suspects, and are threatened by the real killers: you can probably work out the rest for yourself. Given it's a comedy, you might imagine a scene in which the blind man drives a car, and you'd be right. You might imagine a fight in which the blind man does the punching, following instructions from his sighted pal; right again. Pryor is his usual loudmouth self; Wilder is in shy, sensitive mode. There's a resolutely untouching scene in which the pair discuss their relative philosophies for dealing with disability, but otherwise it's a long, painfully unfunny series of things being smashed up and fallen over. Worst of all, the male villain has the most embarrassing 'English' accent heard in many a long year, old chap, don't you know.
Release Details
Duration:102 mins
Cast and crew
Director:Arthur Hiller
Screenwriter:Earl Barret, Arne Sultan, Eliot Wald, Andrew Kurtzman, Gene Wilder
Richard Pryor
Gene Wilder
Joan Severance
Kevin Spacey
Alan North
Anthony Zerbe
Louis Giambalvo
Kirsten Childs
Been there, done that? Think again, my friend.
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