Internet cat celebrity Lil Bub returns to Chicago to sign (paw print?) copies of her debut record, Science & Magic: A Soundtrack to the Universe. Yes, the adorable feline has made an album (with the help of her owner Mike Bridavsky) which features the electronic, instrumental arrangements that populate her awww-inducing videos. How did a cat make a record? We're not sure, but a portion of the proceeds from sales of the album are being donated to a charity for special needs pets.
Want to meet Lil Bub at Reckless Records' Wicker Park store? $60 will get you admission to the signing, a copy of Bub's album (vinyl or CD), a limited edition print of Bub and a chance to meet Bub and get a photo with her (no petting, unfortunately). You can also feel good about yourself, because $20 of each ticket will be donated to Lil Bub's Big Fund and the Tree House Humane Society (the folks who are still trying build Chicago's first cat cafè).