Photograph: Max Herman
Photograph: Max Herman |

Attendees wear a variety of strange attire in Union Park at North Coast Music Festival 2013 on August 30, 2013.

North Coast Music Festival 2013, Friday: Crazy costumes we saw

Club kids, jam-band fans, hip-hop heads fill Union Park to see Passion Pit, Mac Miller and more.


And you thought Neon Indian was just a bad band name. Odds are, at North Coast Music Festival you will see an entire neon set of Village People. These festivalgoers love their electric pink and chartreuse, not to mention their glow sticks, jester hats, furry boots and flower headbands. This is what you get when you mix hippies, dubstep bros and jam fans. North Coast is an eclectic mix. Flip through our photos to see the wildest of the wild.

RECOMMENDED: See more wild outfits from past editions of North Coast Music Festival

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