Photograph: Michael Jarecki
Photograph: Michael Jarecki |

Supporters of marriage equality celebrated the victory in the Illinois Legislature on Tuesday night in Boystown, where Sidetrack hosted a toast to the passage of the bill.

Sidetrack throws a party to celebrate the passage of marriage equality in Illinois: photos



61-54 is a score that will not be forgotten. That was the vote passing Senate Bill 10, the Illinois marriage equality bill, yesterday in Springfield. Obviously, it was cause for celebration. And clearly that party was going to be held at Sidetrack in Boystown. Mayor Rahm Emanuel joined the celebration and Champagne toast, though unfortunately we have no footage or evidence of him dancing. 

Gov. Pat Quinn has promised to sign the bill into law. It will go into effect on June 1, 2014, making Illinois the 15th state to offer marriage equality to same-sex couples. Check out our post from yesterday chronicling the long fight to bring equal rights to the Land of Lincoln.

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