Amazon Prime customers in Chicago can now get items delivered in less than two hours. The online marketplace giant expanded its Prime Now service to select zip codes in the city today and is planning to expand across the city in the near future.
Prime Now provides super quick delivery on tens of thousands of essentials, so if you're out of toilet paper it can save you an uncomfortable waddle to the store. The service offers free delivery within two hours, and one-hour delivery for $7.99.
The announcement comes just two days after Amazon's Prime Day, which promised to have better deals than Black Friday but turned out to be a complete dud.
Prime Now delivery is currently available in the 60614, 60610, 60654, 60622 and 60642 zip codes, which are some of Chicago's wealthiest areas. Amazon plans on expanding the service citywide, but for now it's only available to a select group of North Siders.