
Adler Planetarium announces entire Adler After Dark schedule for 2016

Written by
Nick Kotecki
Photograph: Howard Lifshitz/Flickr

Adler Planetarium recently announced the entire schedule and themes for next year's Adler After Dark series. Every third Thursday of the month, Adler After Dark gives adults ages 21+ the chance to explore the museum's exhibits and galleries while sipping booze. 

This guaranteed opportunity to avoid hordes of screaming schoolchildren is always paired with a specific theme. For instance, in December the planetarium held a release party for Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Along with the theme comes hosts of special guests, awesome lectures and events unique to the theme. That Star Wars-themed rendition of Adler After Dark we mentioned featured a light-saber combat workshop, a cosplay contest, trivia and a screening of Spaceballs, the best Star Wars spoof around.

Adler's After Dark events really are something unique in this city, both for their consistency and creativity. Certainly, they're something our museum scene, though incredible, has yet to match. Without further adieu, here's the complete 2016 Adler After Dark schedule.

January 21: First Contact

Guests explore the science behind searching for life on other planets and what might happen if humanity finds it.

February 18: Stellar Speakeasy

Travel back in time in this Adler throwback that looks at scientific discoveries of the ’20s and ’30s, all set to the accompaniment of jazz and swing music as well as a few "bootlegged" cocktails.

March 17: Geek Chic: Episode IV

Fans of Star WarsStar Trek, Firefly and other science fiction and fantasy classics gather just before the annual Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo (C2E2).

April 21: Across the Universe

The truly incomprehensible size of the universe is celebrated alongside the music of the Beatles and the late 1960s.

May 19: Planetary Prom

If you couldn't make prom night, now's your chance. Guests dress up in prom couture for an unforgettable night of dancing…without the awkward stress of finding the perfect date.

June 16: Eureka!

Discover the latest in wacky technology that's revolutionizing the way we live our daily lives in the 21st century.

July 21: Jumpin’ Jupiter

The arrival of NASA spacecraft Juno to our solar system's largest planet is celebrated, and the latest data Juno has collected is shared.

August 18: Camp Adler

Adler makes camping just as fun in the city with this night that teaches the basics of stargazing and celestial navigation.

September 15: Boldly Go!

Say cheers to the 50th anniversary of the Star Trek crew beginning their voyage into the cosmos and into the hearts of science fiction fans across the world.

October 20: Nightmare

Delve into the infinite void of space where all is black, from which few things we've known have returned. The terrors of the cosmos are the topic of this Halloween-season night at Adler.

November 17: Weird Science

The world is weird. Attendees get to walk through the Weird Science Fair, chock full of bizarre experiments, robotics and food technology that's delightfully off its rocker.

December 15: Lights Out

While most of what we see when we look out into space is light, this final Adler After Dark of the year takes a hard stare at what goes on in the dark. Space phenomena such as black holes, supernovas and other objects are the night's themes. Just don't forget the beer.

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