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Time to celebrate, art lovers. The Art Institute of Chicago will receive the largest gift of art in its 136-year history.
Local collectors and philanthropists Stefan T. Edlis and Gael Neeson are donating 42 internationally recognized masterpieces of contemporary art.
Edlis and Neeson’s collection comprises works by Andy Warhol, Jasper Johns, Robert Rauschenberg, Gerhard Richter, Roy Lichtenstein, Cy Twombly, Cindy Sherman, Eric Fischl, Takashi Murakami, Brice Marden, Jeff Koons, Damien Hirst, Charles Ray, Katharina Fritsch, Richard Prince and John Currin.
These paintings, sculptures and photographs will be installed in the contemporary art galleries on the second floor of the Modern Wing in early 2016. The AIC has promised to keep the collection on permanent view for 50 years.
Until then, here are five highlights from the collection.
Cindy Sherman, Untitled #92, 1981
Art Institute of Chicago/Edlis and Neeson donation
Andy Warhol, Little Race Riot, 1964
Art Institute of Chicago/Edlis and Neeson donation
Roy Lichtenstein, Artist's Studio "Foot Medication", 1974
Art Institute of Chicago/Edlis and Neeson donation
Robert Rauschenberg, Untitled, ca. 1955
Art Institute of Chicago/Edlis and Neeson donation
Jasper Johns, Target, 1961
Art Institute of Chicago/Edlis and Neeson donation
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