Earlier this year, we asked Time Out readers from London, Manchester, Edinburgh, Bristol, Birmingham, Leeds and Glasgow to tell us more about their lives. In total, more than 13,500 people responded to our City Living survey. Now, the numbers have been crunched and the news is in...
So, how does Bristol compare to other cities across the country?

Flickr: s.o.f.t.
When asked about how happy they were, the residents of Manchester reported that they were the most content. Bristolians, on the other hand, emerged bottom of the table – even well below the seemingly frowny-faced Londoners.

Flickr: Tamara Alvarez
Perhaps relating to the statistic above, the people of Bristol also seem to be missing out on nookie too. Just 20% reported that they had had sex in the last seven days. By comparison, 31% of Scots are having it away and 34% of those living in the capital are enjoying some quality time between the sheets.

Flickr: Nathaniel Valero
More bad news for Bristol: out of all seven cities, the city also has the highest percentage of bad sleepers. Sixty eight percent of those who answered the survey have trouble nodding off, compared to 54% in Leeds. Only London came close to matching Bristol for poor sleeping habits, at 62%

Flickr: Anders Adermark
Even though Bristolians are apparently unhappy, sexually frustrated and tired – it appears you aren't turning to the booze to drown your sorrows. Just 19% claim they had been drunk in the last seven days, compared to 35% of those living in Edinburgh and 33% of Londoners.

Flickr: Begemot_dn
When asked how often people showered and brushed their teeth, Bristol recorded a mid-league result. The city's showering habits were the worst (an average of 5.34 showers a week), although they survey didn't ask about baths though, so you can use that as a get-out clause. Still, you're a bit more diligent when it comes to oral hygiene, ranking 4th, ahead of Birmingham, Glasgow and Edinburgh.
What annoys you about the city?

Given the opportunity to write what they choose, here's some of the most popular complaints about the city. No surprises in this lot, but there's not much anyone can do about the respondents that replied simply 'people'.
Sticking with Bristol?

Flikcr: velodenz
So, after all this doom and gloom – surely we cannot wait to get out of here, right? Wrong! Out of all seven cities, Bristol emerged triumphant for having the least number of people (16%) that plan to leave in the next five years. Those Londoner might be sexy, drunk and clean but they're desperate to leave: 32% plan on escaping the capital, followed by 23% of Brummies.
So, chin up Bristol! Have a drink, a cuddle and an early night and it might all seem better in the morning.
What do you make of the results? Are Bristolians being too hard on themselves? Or just too honest? Let us know.
Read more from the Time Out Bristol blog.