
Hot Tub Cinema in Bristol this summer

Written by
Chris Parkin

For some of you, getting into a hot tub with a bunch of scantily-clad strangers to watch a film will be your worst nightmare. But the success of Hot Tub Cinema's London events – and its sold-out shows around the world – suggests that for a great many of you this is the best idea since the selfie stick. Now it's time for Bristol to see what all the fuss is about.

If you want to try out this new-fangled cinema-going experience, which started life as a private party in the south-west in 2006 before popping up at various special venues including Victorian warehouses and disused train stations, Hot Tub Cinema will be in Bristol from May 29-June 2 as the promoters continue their UK-wide Tub Tropicana tour. They're stopping off in Birmingham in April.

The event's organisers will be unloading 20 hot tubs into the Avon-side Paintworks venue for ten nights of silver-screen action. Once safely submerged, you'll be presented with a Hollywood classic and served the booze of your choice by tub-side waiters.

The full line-up of films is as follows…

The Lion King, Friday May 29

Ghostbusters, Saturday May 30

Grease, Sunday May 31

Top Gun, Monday June 1

Dirty Dancing, Tuesday June 2

Anchorman, Wednesday June 3

A film voted for by cinema goers, Thursday June 4

The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Friday June 5

The Hangover, Saturday June 6

Mean Girls, Sunday June 7

Tickets go on sale on Thursday March 12 from Hot Tub Cinema.

Just be warned, though – don't go picking at your toenails in front of your new-found friends or your tub might look like this at the end of the night…

A gory Hot Club Cinema event in London
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