Metropole, Restaurants, Beirut


  • Restaurants | French
  • price 3 of 4
  • Minet El Hosn
  • Recommended

Time Out says

Metropole is one of the many upmarket restaurants that you’ll find in the swanky Downtown district. It's the sort of place where discerning locals with means and homesick French expats come for a lazy lunch over a bottle of wine – we mean that as a compliment. The restaurant does a very good impression of a traditional Parisian brasserie, complete with succulent steaks, salads bigger than you could shake a fourchette at, and somewhat erratic service (the only real bum note). The sole giveaway sign that you're abroad is the modest addition of a few "international" dishes: risotto, sundaes, that sort of thing (but prepared with no less attention to detail than the rest of the menu). Thumbs up.


Karagulla Building
Mir Majid Arsalan Street
Minet El Hosn
Meal for two LL150,000
Opening hours:
Daily noon-midnight
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